The Racquet brings in the Mental health issues related to work-life balance through the story of a middle-aged businessman ..
The Bicycle discusses one of the most important topics related to mental illness-Stigma. The story portrays how a person ..
The House takes isolation as a common issue faced by vulnerable populations due to varied reasons. The story shows how an isolated ..
The Recipe shows the misconceptions attached to mental illness and its management, also delving into stigma faced by mental ..
The Smoothie throws light on adolescent mental health needs and the importance of parental support during the period.
The Boat gives an overview of how mental illnesses remain unrecognized and general attitudes and feelings attached with mental ..
The Tree talks about the beliefs and misconceptions attached to mental illness and explores some of the traditional healing ..
The Friend portrays the emotional turmoil and mental health issues encountered by the LGBTQ community in recognizing and accepting ..
The Cake takes the narrative of the Caregiver of a person with mental illness. The film narrates his journey of caring and his efforts ..
The Makeup shows the impact of mental illness on a young mother’s personal, professional and family life. It also draws ..